

Small business accounting kept simple
Made for sole proprietors and independent contractors as a better, faster alternative to more complex (and more expensive) accounting software

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Built for anyone tired of using a spreadsheet,
but who doesn't need a complicated accounting app

Stay organized before tax time

Log business expenses and revenue with accounts, categories, memos, and receipts.

Simple, easy updates to know where you're at

Made for sole proprietors, independent contractors, and small businesses.

Monthly pricing — no long term commit

30 day free trial, automated reporting, "read only" offseason access, and more.

Enjoy adding and checking off your to-do's

Keep a checklist alongside your finances, not on sticky notes or over in other apps.

Easily store and retreive your digital receipts

Keep the documentation alongside line items and export a handy offline ZIP backup anytime.

Gain peace-of-mind with bank-grade security

SSL, IP/device logging, strong password requirements, and more to keep you in and anyone else out.

That's not all — you can also:
track mileage,
search all line items,
auto-complete frequent names,
and more!

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